a very nice nasheed I've mistakenly thought it's Micheal Jackson's latest song that caused his death, being fooled by the roomers O_o (Like many other people)
"A man who stands for nothing, will fall for anything"
Friday, December 24, 2010
Posted by omar_champ at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
your Mother (by Yusuf Islam & Kids)
One of the greatest Nasheeds I ever heard, thank you Moha !!!
Posted by omar_champ at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 3, 2010
Here are some pics to show how the construction work is going on, so far so good !!! My house will be ready sooner inchallah, awaiting for HER mesjesty to join the party !!! HHH
Posted by omar_champ at 4:48 PM 0 comments
قال الأستاذ للتلميذ... قف وأعرب
قال الأستاذ للتلميذ... قف وأعرب يا ولدي الجملة
التالية :عشق المسلم أرض فلسطين
وقف الطالب وقال: عشق: فعل صادق مبني على أمل يحدوه إيمان واثق بالعودة الحتمية
والمسلم : فاعل عاجز على أن يخطو أي خطوة في طريق تحقيق الأمل ، وصمته هو أعنف ردة فعل يمكنه أن يبديها
وأرض : مفعول به مغصوب وعلامة غضبه أنهار الدم وأشلاء الضحايا وأرتال القتلى.و.... و.... وستون عاما من المعاناة.
فلسطين : مضافة إلى أرض مجرورة بما ذكرت من إعراب أرض سابقا
قال المدرس : يا ولدي مالك غيرت فنون النحو وقانون اللغة؟؟؟ يا ولدي إليك محاولة أخرى"صحت الأمة من غفلتها" أعرب
قال التلميذ... صحت : فعل ماض ولّى.... على أمل أن يعود. والتاء : تاء التأنيث في أمة لا تكاد ترى فيها الرجال
الأمة : فاعل هدَّه طول السبات حتى أن الناظر إليه يشك بأنه لا يزال على قيد الحياة
من: حرف جر لغفلة حجبت سحبها شعاع الصحوة
غفلتها : اسم عجز حرف جر الأمة عن أن يجر غيره، والهاء ضمير ميت متصل بالأمة التي هانت عليها الغفلة، مبني على المذلة التي ليس لها من دون الله كاشفة
قال المدرس: مالك يا ولدي نسيت اللغة وحرفت معاني التبيان؟؟ قال التلميذ : لا يا أستاذي
لم أنس لكنها أمتينسيت عز الإيمان وهجرت هدي القرآن صمتت باسم السلم وعاهدت بالاستسلام دفنت رأسها في قبر الغرب وخانت عهد الفرقان معذرة حقاً أستاذي فسؤالك حرك أشجاني ألهب وجداني معذرة يا أستاذي فسؤالك نارٌ تبعث أحزاني وتهد كياني وتحطم صمتي مع رغبتي في حفظ لساني عفواً أستاذي نطق فؤادي قبل لساني عفواً يا أستاذي
Posted by omar_champ at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 2, 2010
A Heart Doomed to Bleed
Regret & fret often come to mind.
With hope to build up on what’s left behind.
Could a restoration be possible indeed?
An ointment, a bandage for a heart doomed to bleed.
I recall all moments, all that we shared.
Memories weaken me, my mind is fatigued.
Your voice resonates, all around it can be heard.
So clear, so near that my fear increased.
People said time is a good agent of change.
But absence only makes the heart grow founder.
I never thought I could reach this stage.
My feelings surmount me, I can resist no longer.
Little could be done, so I leave it all to fate.
In God I trust, my confidence in him is great.
May Allah save me & get me out of this state.
Posted by omar_champ at 8:26 PM 0 comments
A Day Like No Other
Earlier I was supposed to wake that day.
Slumber & fatigue were hardly pushed away.
I hoped to remain longer in bed, in warmth I wished to stay.
Low spirited, heavy hearted to school I made my way.
French & English exams were due, I’d nothing to say.
All words looked the same, my paper stood where it lay.
I wished my “Pa” was French, my “Ma” was English, it won’t do anyway.
I ain’t got a clue, I’ll never have one, no one may.
I wished some super power or raging fire would stop it, mayday!
I got back to my senses, that state would surely bring ‘bout decay.
I scratched some lines on my paper, grabbed my stuff & went away.
Posted by omar_champ at 8:22 PM 0 comments
A Boy I Met
So anxious, so worried I was that day.
Happiness seemed out of reach, so far away.
Life’s puzzle, the world’s trouble within me - I assumed - they lay.
Fate does work in an amazing way indeed.
When all hope seems lost, there comes a glimpse of light in our desperate need.
Life’s a rose with gloomy thorns, but full with bliss at its seeds.
At times we’re lost & feel like we’ve got no choice.
A boy I met that day made me cheerful, cozed me to rejoice.
Though disabled, a smile never left his face.
What would I do if I ever were in his place?
I thanked god heartily for all I had, for his blessing.
Blessed are those who are satisfied with his giving.
Posted by omar_champ at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanks a lot Sof for this wonderful nasheed !!!
Posted by omar_champ at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 20, 2010
THE PENCIL (Remarkable Story)
A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter.
At one point he asked, 'Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is it a story about me?'
His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson,
...'I am writing about you, actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I’m using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.'
Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn’t seem very special.
‘But it’s just like any other pencil I’ve ever seen!'
'That depends on how you look at things. It has FIVE qualities which, if you manage to hang on them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.
'FIRST quality: YOU are capable of GREAT things, but you must never forget that there is a HAND guiding your steps. We call that hand God and He always guides us according to His will.
'SECOND quality: now and then I have to stop writing and use a sharpner. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he’s much sharper. So you too must learn to BEAR certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.
'THIRD quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that CORRECTING something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to JUSTICE.
'FOURTH quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening INSIDE you.
'Finally, the pencil’s FIFTH quality: it always leaves a mark. In just the same way you should know that EVERYTHING you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.'
Paulo Coelho •*´
Posted by omar_champ at 9:13 PM 0 comments
BBC Follow me + BBC Massive Nature
Some DVDs i downloaded & like to share with you:
1- BBC's Follow Me: Very interesting English Courses, for all levels.
Download HERE
2- BBC's BBC Massive Nature: a very interesting documentary about animals & the wild life.
Download HERE
Don't forget (prayers!!!)
Posted by omar_champ at 8:43 PM 0 comments
That's Not Hijab
It certainly ain't, none of them is !!! Oh girls, pray put the right Hijab on & make it easier for us !!! No grudges !!!
Posted by omar_champ at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Distractions During Salat (Prayer)
Hope we'll all overcome it & win the battle !!! aaamiiin
Posted by omar_champ at 7:29 PM 0 comments
A Joke !!!
A funny joke I found in a facebook page:
Boy: Hello! Girl: Shut up! Boy: You're beautiful! Girl: Shut up! Boy: I love you! Girl: Shut up! Boy: Marry me! Girl: Really ?! Boy: Shut up!
Posted by omar_champ at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 19, 2010
Yokoyama Kumi a Talented Japanese Female Soccer Player !!!
Some women can really play football after all, I dare say even better than we (men) do !!! Life is weird & full of surprises!!!
Posted by omar_champ at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Briliant..sit back and enjoy a (laf) ^_^
Absolutely Brilliant
The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".
In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c".. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f".. This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.
In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.
Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.
Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.
By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".
During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.
Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.
Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.
If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.
Posted by omar_champ at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Happy Eid-UlAdha ^_^
Happy Eid Ul-Adha to all muslims & the entire muslim world!!! Don't forget to fast on Monday & to pray for ME & other muslims as well...May all the Hajjis get back home safe & sound...May Allah bestow his blessings & mercy on all of us & our world !!! Eidkum Mubarak ^_^
Posted by omar_champ at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Magister Question & my answer !!!
1- The question:
The increasing contemporary globalization has had a dramatic impact on the diversity of languages worldwide. What should be done to prevent the extinction of many endangered minority languages, and preserve the human cultural diversity?
2- My humble answer:
An easy, short-cut definition that may be given to globalization is the widespread idea of making the world a narrow place, wherein a technological, political, economic & cultural exchange is made easier. It may also be regarded as an attempt by powerful organizations, governments or the leading powers of the world to impose certain ideologies, concepts & rules to guarantee a rapid growth of their economies & preserve their own interests.
The impact of globalization on languages and the threat it represents is so clear & obvious that most of the world countries took measures to prevent any further damage or possible extinction of their languages.
No one would argue or impose the fact that English is the language most growing & widely used worldwide. According to a late study almost 75% of the websites in the internet use English in their pages. Another statistic given by the "Organisation Internationale de Documentation" states that 85% out of 7000 articles published everyday are in English.
Furthermore, English is being used as a medium of instruction either in schooling systems of for higher education. In countries like Indonesia & Hong Kong, for instance, English has been adopted to serve as a medium of instruction in schools. Similarly, in Sultan Qubous University - Oman, students should pass an English test required for their admission.
UNESCO, being highly influenced bu Micheal E. Krauss, defines an endangered language as one that will not be used by kids in 100 years. An estimate of 65% out of the 6000 languages used worldwide are under the threat of extinction.
The initial four amendments proved by UNESCO that deal with language rights & human linguistic rights talked about language preservation & the right of individuals to choose & use a language.
Different methods can be used to prevent the extinction of a language or a variety, such as revitalization or what is also known as language revival. It is a process through which a political power or an organization increases the users of a certain language. Language planning could be used here as a tool to promote a given language & widen its use in society by using it as a medium of instruction in schools, or through its integration in other domains (administration, commerce, the army...)
Another way can be through the documentation of the language & its cultural heritage (songs, religious texts, folk stories...) and its partial integration into other languages through the use of some vocabulary items (code-switching).
Last but not least, it is worth to mention that nations in their quest for development seeking a solid position in international commerce to build a strong economy should not abandon or neglect their cultural heritage or put minority languages into a threat. Paving the way for a better future suggests by no means turning our back to our culture & our traditions & customs, after all " a nation with no past, has little hope for a better future".
NB: I hope my humble essay would make it, meet the needs & hit the target.
Here are some more pics:
Posted by omar_champ at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Magister Quest (26/10/2011) ^_^
A long journey that was! I met a friend of mine with whom I went to S. Belabes for the magister contest. About 700 people attended 'the ceremony' and only 6 will make it. We spent the whole day inside the campus getting ready for the big day. Later on that day, we went out sightseeing downtown & in the afternoon we visited a friend who insisted on having us home for dinner. At dawn we left the city headed to Saida to get some papers, at night we reached Mascara & had to spend the night there at a friend of mine's. Next day we set sail to Mostaganem our last stop where we spent two days & checked the university there for master inscriptions. After Jomoa Prayer we got ready for our journey back home via Oran...
Here are some pics:
Posted by omar_champ at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 22, 2010
Whilst Driving !!!
This one was shot while I was on my way to work...No worries, no accidents occured, no casualties & all on board are safe & sound...HHH
Posted by omar_champ at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
26/10/10 Magister Test !!!
I'll be headed to SBA on the 26th of this month nchallah to take the magister test in socio-linguistics, so loads of prayers are needed !!!! The more the merrier...Wish me luck...
Posted by omar_champ at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Turn to Allah + Fortunbate is He By Zian Bhikha
Here are two of my favorite Nasheeds By Zain Bhikha
Posted by omar_champ at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Wanna be imprisoned and put into the cage?
Lose your freedom & spend your entire wage?
Wanna get into trouble and be in rage?
His words resonated in my ears for long.
He described it vividly as if in a monologue.
He kept it on-going like a croaking frog.
Or a mad, enraged, barking dog.
“Hush!” I said “you cozed my head an ache.”
“Your case has no solid grounds, it’s all fake.”
“Move out of your dungeon, it’s time to awake.”
“Stop your nonessential arguing, for God’s sake!”
People came & gathered around.
So great in numbers, they made a crowd.
As in elections, or a company to found.
The dust raised, no way there to see the ground.
I said: “Marriage is a sacred, holy bond”
“Not a cheap love story as in James Bond”
“Mutual respect & care should be found,”
“for marriage to prosper. I’ll be bound”
Posted by omar_champ at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
No Grudges!
Dear “missy”! I mean no offence & hope it ain’t taken.
Hard is to cope with life when your heart is broken.
Here I am laying these lines by the same token.
Telling you no matter what! I ain’t gonna be shaken.
Now I wonder whether ‘tis rough to pop the question,
Or bear a ‘no’ as answer? Is it a fashion?
Is it the ‘fair sex’ strategy to attract attention?
Show incertitude? Or some brain dis-function?
I do know o, missy! Hard ‘tis to decide,
And even harder ‘tis for you to be aside,
I wished o, lady! You could be by my side,
Come face me with the truth, nothing’s there to hide.
I strongly do believe, though, it’s all up to fate.
And if time ain’t due yet, still I have to wait.
“Better late than never” as the saying goes.
Best wishes & no grudges, case is closed.
Posted by omar_champ at 11:10 PM 0 comments
رب اغفر لي ولوالدي، رب ارحمهما كما ربياني صغيرا
عَنِ النُّعْمَانِ بْنِ بَشِيرٍ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: "إِنَّ مِمَّا تَذْكُرُونَ مِنْ جَلَالِ اللَّهِ التَّسْبِيحَ وَالتَّهْلِيلَ وَالتَّحْمِيدَ يَنْعَطِفْنَ حَوْلَ الْعَرْشِ لَهُنَّ دَوِيٌّ كَدَوِيِّ النَّحْلِ تُذَكِّرُ بِصَاحِبِهَا، أَمَا يُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُمْ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَهُ أَوْ لا يَزَالَ لَهُ مَنْ يُذَكِّرُ بِهِ" وفي رواية: " أَفَلا يُحِبُّ أَحَدُكُم أَنْ لا يَزَال لَهُ عِنْدَ الرَّحْمَنِ شَيْء يُذْكَر بِه". ذكره الحكيم (1/101) . وأخرجه أيضًا : ابن أبى شيبة (6/54 ، رقم 29415) ، وابن ماجه (2/1252 ، رقم 3809) ، قال البوصيرى (4/132) : هذا إسناد صحيح رجاله ثقات . والبزار (8/199 ، رقم 3236) ، والحاكم (1/678 ، رقم 1841) ، وقال : صحيح الإسناد ، وصححه الألباني في مختصر العلو ( 32 / 24 ).
Posted by omar_champ at 4:49 PM 0 comments
God bless those who speak the truth !!!
A stunning video in which a Christian minister(woman) reacts defending islam after the so-called campaign of "burn the Koran day"...
Posted by omar_champ at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Aisha Oum Elmouminin (May Allah bless her)
No matter what the enemies of Islam say about our dear mother, she always remains as great as she was having a sustainable, prestigious position as a beloved mother & great example for every muslim with her stainless reputation & all that she gave to islam & muslims...May Allah bless mother Aisha and reward her for all she did for this religion...Amiiiiiin
Posted by omar_champ at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Mashallah wa allahu Akbar...May Allah bless Rahma & her parents amiiiiiin!!!
Posted by omar_champ at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 27, 2010
Gr8 Minds
Think of me the way it suits ur little narrow brain,
People of the like never coz me any worriedness or pain,
You’re foolishness & disturbed mind we’ll drive u insane,
Ere long u’ll lose it all & crumble in the failure’s chain.
Big mouths r fond of the “all talk no walk” policy,
In the shadow you always live with all your hypocrisy,
If I get down to ur level u’ll have ur ecstasy,
But NO sir! That’ll remain ur own absurd fantasy.
Great minds discuss brilliant ideas, they’re held in high esteem,
Narrow minds of the like don’t have it even in their dreams,
In dirt & darkness you’ll prevail with no hope of a single beam,
Hideous, useless back-humped u’ll end up singing ur nasty hymn.
Those who feed on misery & hate will always perish,
Only those who live to spread goodness will cherish,
Their qualities & good essence on which they nourish,
A bad seed withers sooner, good ones always flourish.
Posted by omar_champ at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Happy Eid Ul-Fitr 2010
I wish you all a blessed & happy Eid Ul-Fitr 2010, full of joy & blessing...May allah grant all your wishes & answers all your prayers...ameeeeen
Posted by omar_champ at 12:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 21, 2010
A very touching video indeed
So touching!!! Crying while saying Shahada!!! Allahu Akbar, alhamdulillah.
Posted by omar_champ at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Summer Adventure (July 2010)
Such a wonderful week I spent in the eastern part of the country. I spent four days in Bejaia, three more in Jijel then kissed goodbye the beach...I still remember my friend saying "the sea can hold heavy boats & ships, it certainly can carry you as well!" I'm no good swimmer, though I tried hard to learn...HHH
My next stop was at Mila to visit an old friend of mine then went to Constantine to visit the mosque of El Emir Abdelkader, which is a real marvel...mashallah.
We then went to Setif, then L3alma to buy some stuff. We took the eastern, long road back home. We made our way through Batna, Biskra, Tougart & Ouregla. Then took the bus to Ghardaia, from where we took the last bus back home...home sweet home!!!
Here are some pics:
& Here's a video on the beach:
Posted by omar_champ at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Bohemian Grove & worshipers of Satan (Bush + Clinton + other memebrs of the ELITE)
Here's the shocking truth:
Video 1:
Video 2:
REMEMBER: "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he doesn't exist"
Posted by omar_champ at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
The Media & Islam
How can westerners think good of Islam if the media (news, programmes & mainly Hollywood films) impose the idea that Muslims & Arabs are always bad people & villain? It's a stereotype the Zionists make you grow up having in your brains & adopt as the only truth & possible explanation for all the havoc in this world. Why again? Because it simply happens that we Arabs live in the place where their PROMISED LAND should be & we have to give up that, by hook or by crock!!! Allahu Akbar it all makes sense now!!!
Just watch this:
Posted by omar_champ at 6:59 PM 0 comments
A Must Watch - The Arrivals - (PT11) Musical Sorcery
I'm under shock!!! It's really MIND CONTROL in the end, may Allah reward those who made the series THE ARRIVALS...
Have a look yourselves: A Must Watch - The Arrivals - (PT11) Musical Sorcery
Posted by omar_champ at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Moments of Married Love-Prophet Muhammad & Lady Aishah
We all have a certain image of lovers, a star-crossed pair, love at first sight, living happily ever after…
Normally, we associate these ideas of love with couples who meet, date, and fall head over heels for each other. Very rarely do we relate these images to married couples.
Moreover, we almost never connect this perception to Muslim couples, who marry according to purely Islamic customs. Although this link is quite rare, there actually exists an example in Islam's own history, which not only depicts this kind of love but goes far beyond it.
This is the pure, married love between the Prophet Muhammad and his beloved, Lady Aishah.
The two came together in circumstances that are a stark contrast to today's conventional love story. He was a devoted Messenger of God, embarking on the third year of prophethood; she was the daughter of his best friend and companion, Abu Bakr.
Infusing Romance
The early years of their marriage began quite innocently. Although Aishah was a young bride, she was in the standard marriageable age that the Arabian culture approved of and encourages at that time.
The clear evidence is that Aishah had already been engaged to another man before her engagement to the Prophet.
Though Aishah was ready for marriage life, the Prophet preferred to grant her extra support in her transition to life as a married woman. She carried on with the many joys of childhood and fortunate for her, as she had a husband gentle and kind enough to understand this.
Rather than throwing all the responsibilities of a wife on her at once, the Prophet made the marriage and its duties a gradual process for Aishah and ensured that she made a smooth transition into her new life. The compassionate nature with which he nurtured Aishah in her early years as a wife made a tremendous impact on the strong woman she went on to become.
As the so called "honeymoon period" between the couple came to an end, many challenges and trying moments began to arise. In the midst of all the mayhem, this blessed couple still took time out for simple fun and laughter.
Aishah fondly recalls memories of racing with the Prophet and even winning the race when she was young and fit (Ibn Al Jawzy 68).
They enjoyed these races so much that the couple even raced to the Battle of Badr which was one of the most important battles in the Islamic history.
The romance in this marriage was not limited to just fun and games. As their marriage continued, intimacy was ultimately inter-woven in their daily affairs.
They would sit and eat together and Aishah would take a sip and then the Prophet would do so from the same spot her lips touched.
She would have some meat or chicken, and then he would eat from the same spot she ate from. This is just one of many ways they infused romance and affection in even the simplest of acts. These small gestures show that in this marriage, romance was not a superficial bouquet of roses. Rather, it was natural and existed in their everyday life.
Love has several expressions. However, it is known to all and sundry that for a woman, nothing expresses love like the words a man simply speaks from his heart.
The Prophet was most forthcoming in expressing his love for Aishah and this is evident in multiple sayings (hadith) in which he publicly declares that Aishah is the most beloved to him.
Such profound love he held for his wife that he referred to her as one with the complete qualities of a believing woman. This is a clear sign of the kind of respect he held for his wife.
This respect was possible because he actually put forth the time and effort in getting to know and understand his wife enough to recommend her as an example for other women to follow.
Brilliant Student & Great Teacher
A crucial dimension to their equation was the student-teacher relationship they shared. Aishah's enthusiastic and inquisitive nature made her one of the foremost students of the Prophet.
Sent as a teacher to mankind, the Prophet implemented this role most effectively in his very own home. The Islamic virtues and way of life Aishah learned and carried out were essentially through watching the Prophet and keenly observing his behavior and mannerisms.
He led by example and his beloved wife testifies to this in stating that the manners of the prophet were a living example of the Quran. (At-Tirmidhi)
Far from being meek and oppressed, Aishah was a woman of substance who was never afraid to stand up for truth and justice — whether that meant defending herself or her beloved husband. She participated in battles when she was able to and played whatever role she could in supporting the Prophet in his endeavors.
Surviving Hardships
Her quality of being content regardless of circumstances helped her overcome many challenges she faced as the Prophet's wife.
There was a time in the Prophet's home, when they had no fire or food for cooking and they simply lived off of dates and water. Yet Aishah went through this hardship and showed the mark of a true companion — one who can offer unrelenting support even under the most trying circumstances.
A truly dynamic woman, complete with the qualities of virtue, intelligence and even possessiveness over her husband — there was something quite distinct about Aishah which drew the Prophet so close to her.
Passing On Her Husband's Legacy
The Prophet and his beloved connected as soul mates, as he received divine revelations often when he was with her. The fact that God blessed and ordained this marriage is evident in that the Prophet confessed to Aishah that before marrying her, he saw her twice in his dreams.
Both times, Angel Gabriel carried her to him in a silk cloth and said to him, that Aishah would be his wife in this world and in the Hereafter (Al-Bukhari). Their blessed companionship came to a peaceful end after nine years, when the Prophet drew his last breath in Aishah's arms.
The Prophet's demise may have ended their companionship in this world. However, it did not put a stop to his mission nor did it end Aishah's role in carrying out her beloved's message.
It was after the Prophet's demise that one can truly see the divine purpose behind this marriage. Because she spent the most formative years of her life with the Prophet, she was able to learn and imbibe all of his teachings.
This became a tremendous asset after the Messenger passed away and was only possible because of Aishah's age. Upon his demise, Aishah's youth gave her the capacity to continue to preach Islam's message for the many years she lived thereafter.
Many companions of the Prophet and new followers of Islam would come to Lady Aishah for advice on various Islamic matters. Her contribution in relating numerous sayings of the Prophet and providing clarification on questions related to faith soon catapulted her to the status of a prominent Islamic scholar.
Aishah's role in this marriage was one that God destined in order to ensure that the teachings of Islam will be successfully transmitted to coming generations even after the Prophet passed away.
The love story between the Prophet Muhammad and Lady Aishah may not be what epic romances are made of, but it certainly provides a more realistic perception of how true love can be found within a marriage.
The sole purpose of marriage in Islam is to fulfill an individual's need for companionship and true love. Islam emphasizes and encourages this fulfillment but only within the bond of marriage.
The Prophet's marriage to Aishah shows that intimacy and romance is not necessarily limited to rosy-eyed young dating couples. This blessed couple exemplified that the true love and companionship we all seek, is entirely possible within marriage and moreover, within the Islamic way of life.
Today, this is a marriage which many may choose to slander or demean. Yet one needs only to take a look at the evidence Prophet Muhammad and Lady Aishah left behind, in the form of numerous sayings they related, which testify so dearly to the love and intimacy they shared.
The most famous love stories in this world are those that were a figment of someone's imagination. Yet this is a love which actually existed. It was a love created and destined by God himself.
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Posted by omar_champ at 5:48 PM 0 comments
The Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran : The Earth’s Atmosphere
“By the sky which returns.” (Quran 86:11)
“[He] who made for you the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling…” (Quran 2:22)
In the first verse God swears by the sky[1] and its function of ‘returning’ without specifying what it ‘returns.’ In Islamic doctrine, a divine oath signifies the magnitude of importance of a special relation to the Creator, and manifests His majesty and the supreme Truth in a special way.
The second verse describes the Divine Act that made the sky a ‘ceiling’ for the dwellers of earth.
Let us see what modern atmospheric science has to say about the role and function of the sky.
The atmosphere is a word which denotes all the air surrounding the earth, from the ground all the way up to the edge from which space starts. The atmosphere is composed of several layers, each defined because of the various phenomena which occur within the layer.
This image shows the average temperature profile through the Earth’s atmosphere. Temperatures in the thermosphere are very sensitive to solar activity and can vary from 500°C to 1500°C. Source: Windows to the Universe, (http://www.windows.ucar.edu), the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-04 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
Rain, for one, is ‘returned’ to Earth by the clouds in the atmosphere. Explaining the hydrologic cycle, Encyclopedia Britannica writes:
“Water evaporates from both the aquatic and terrestrial environments as it is heated by the Sun’s energy. The rates of evaporation and precipitation depend on solar energy, as do the patterns of circulation of moisture in the air and currents in the ocean. Evaporation exceeds precipitation over the oceans, and this water vapor is transported by the wind over land, where it returns to the land through precipitation.”[2]
Not only does the atmosphere return what was on the surface back to the surface, but it reflects back into space that which might damage the flora and fauna the earth sustains, such as excessive radiant heat. In the 1990’s, collaborations between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of Japan resulted in the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Science Initiative. Polar, Wind and Geotail are a part of this initiative, combining resources and scientific communities to obtain coordinated, simultaneous investigations of the Sun-Earth space environment over an extended period of time. They have an excellent explanation of how the atmosphere returns solar heat to space.[3]
Besides ‘returning’ rain, heat and radio waves, the atmosphere protects us like a ceiling above our heads by filtering out deadly cosmic rays, powerful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun, and even meteorites on collision course with Earth.[4]
Pennsylvania State Public Broadcasting tells us:
“The sunlight that we can see represents one group of wavelengths, visible light. Other wavelengths emitted by the sun include x-rays and ultraviolet radiation. X-rays and some ultraviolet light waves are absorbed high in Earth’s atmosphere. They heat the thin layer of gas there to very high temperatures. Ultraviolet light waves are the rays that can cause sunburn. Most ultraviolet light waves are absorbed by a thicker layer of gas closer to Earth called the ozone layer. By soaking up the deadly ultraviolet and x-rays, the atmosphere acts as a protective shield around the planet. Like a giant thermal blanket, the atmosphere also keeps temperatures from getting too hot or too cold. In addition, the atmosphere also protects us from constant bombardment by meteoroids, bits of rock and dust that travel at high speeds throughout the solar system. The falling stars we see at night are not stars at all; they are actually meteoroids burning up in our atmosphere due to the extreme heating they undergo.”[5]
This is an image of Earth’s polar stratospheric clouds. These clouds are involved in the creation of Earth’s ozone hole. Source: Windows to the Universe, (http://www.windows.ucar.edu/) at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). ©1995-1999, 2000 The Regents of the University of Michigan; ©2000-04 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
Encyclopedia Britannica, describing the role of Stratosphere, tells us about its protective role in absorbing dangerous ultraviolet radiation:
“In the upper stratospheric regions, absorption of ultraviolet light from the Sun breaks down oxygen molecules; recombination of oxygen atoms with O2 molecules into ozone (O3) creates the ozone layer, which shields the lower ecosphere from harmful short-wavelength radiation…More disturbing, however, is the discovery of a growing depletion of ozone over temperate latitudes, where a large percentage of the world’s population resides, since the ozone layer serves as a shield against ultraviolet radiation, which has been found to cause skin cancer.”[6]
The mesosphere is the layer in which many meteors burn up while entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Imagine a baseball zipping along at 30,000 miles per hour. That’s how big and fast many meteors are. When they plow through the atmosphere, meteors are heated to more than 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, and they glow. A meteor compresses air in front of it. The air heats up, in turn heating the meteor.[7]
This is an image which shows the Earth and its atmosphere. The mesosphere would be the dark blue edge located on the far top of the image underneath the back.
(Image courtesy of NASA)
Earth is surrounded by a magnetic force field - a bubble in space called “the magnetosphere” tens of thousands of miles wide. The magnetosphere acts as a shield that protects us from solar storms. However, according to new observations from NASA’s IMAGE spacecraft and the joint NASA/European Space Agency Cluster satellites, immense cracks sometimes develop in Earth’s magnetosphere and remain open for hours. This allows the solar wind to gush through and power stormy space weather. Fortunately, these cracks do not expose Earth’s surface to the solar wind. Our atmosphere protects us, even when our magnetic field does not.[8]
An artist’s rendition of NASA’s IMAGE satellite flying through a ‘crack’ in Earth’s magnetic field.
How would it be possible for a fourteenth century desert dweller to describe the sky in a manner so precise that only recent scientific discoveries have confirmed it? The only way is if he received revelation from the Creator of the sky.
[1] Al-Samaa’, the Arabic word translated here as ‘sky’ includes earth’s atmosphere as indicated by the verse 2:164.
[2] ”Biosphere.” Encyclopedia Britannica from Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service.
[3] (http://www-spof.gsfc.nasa.gov/stargaze/Sweather1.htm)
[4] Atmospheric, Climate & Environment Information Programme of the Manchester Metropolitan University at (http://www.ace.mmu.ac.uk/eae/Atmosphere/atmosphere.html)
[5] (http://www.witn.psu.edu/articles/article.phtml?article_id=255&show_id=44)
[6] “Earth.” Encyclopedia Britannica from Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service.
[7] (http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/meteors-ez.html)
[8] (http://www.firstscience.com/SITE/ARTICLES/magnetosphere.asp)
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Posted by omar_champ at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 4, 2010
Israel's Attack on Marmara Ship (No Comments)
This video prove that there is no state of Israel but a Zionist Satanist savagery regime:
Posted by omar_champ at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The French Exam
A puzzled look never left their faces.
Wondering what the hell should be done?!!
A “repulsive” language hardened their cases.
Never did they like nor enjoy it, never had fun.
Their teacher got in and out, not a ray of hope he brought.
Do with him or without, a lost battle needless to be fought.
Lots of casualties, all defeated, all in despair.
Only the prof survived, life’s really unfair.
I enquired & investigated in my quest to find the cause.
Are all of ‘em dumb? Were they injected with a stupidity overdose?
Sooner came the answer to all my questions, as he commenced to read.
Wrong pronunciation, false information was all he had to feed.
But who sent him here? Where are the competent French profs? Oh, damn!
Who’d come for the rescue & make their faces shine in The French Exam?
Posted by omar_champ at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 14, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Youm L3ilm "Knowledge Day" Belated Celebration
A belated celebration took place this year due to lots of reasons. All that matters is that our pupils got satisfied & felt happy & rejoiced along the celebration. Unlike last year, most of the brilliant minds (pupils) received their presents directly from the hands of their own parents or other family members & that was so sweet. My job, as was the case last year, to take pictures (I'm getting pro) that I enjoyed most of all, but no more than the sweet cakes & the drinks...Here are some samples of my handy piece of art:
Posted by omar_champ at 11:57 AM 0 comments